Erotic High Fantasy as you've never seen
or imagined it!
Praise for The Moontusk Chronicles
You are a soulful, brilliant, sexy, and exquisite writer! I have just this morning finished Wow! I look forward to reading the other 4 books in the series. This needs to be on HBO or SHOWTIME, it's that good!!!
-- Helene Christopher
“Grace-notes abound in Moontusk, which is one of the most original entries in the always-strong catalog from Lethe Press. [...] The book’s plot promises to be long and, eh, multi-pronged, which is a good thing—more visits to the Kemnoan Empire are welcome.”
—Steve Donoghue, Open Letters Monthly
“What I think the author is trying to achieve is to prove how a relationship between men is easier, given that they are not as different as men are from women. While society condemns homosexuality, Mother Nature almost encourages it, as an obvious conclusion of a bond between men.”
—Elisa Rolle, My Reviews & Ramblings
Don't miss
Rendezvous in a Ruined City…
Book One (below) IS the place the start reading this series:
(Click image below)

The Moontusk Chronicles Book One: Rendezvous in a Ruined City. In an intricately developed alternate world, the moon has rings, mammoths survive in the far north, and a patriarchal empire rules over provincial kingdoms where the Goddess is still revered. Handsome Prince Dare flees from his royal duties on a quest for enlightenment, and in high mountains of the far north he finds love in the arms of a young man named Hosis. Their adventures together have only begun.
Praise for Moontusk Book One: Rendezvous in a Ruined City:
So five stars for this book…it's a wonderful story thoughtfully written with elegant prose by a talented author. The intimate scenes reflect the passions and emotions of young men coming into their own. The challenges the young men face are well-developed and formidable. The future they face seems adventurous and wonderful. If you like reading vnovels in aseries, this is a good place to start.
--Martin Brant, author of Five Married Men and Copperass Cove
A wonderful escape from modern life and culture to another world, a world where we witness gender roles clearly, imagine the divine Goddess, and Gaia's unbridled nature. All based on our own long ago egalitarian history but played out in another world and time. The characters pull you into their minds and keep you there as they explore their new mature identities. A true delight for both male and female readers.
-- Nerissa Oden
Received Moontusk yesterday, picked it up this morning and am on page 157 now... I'm really enjoying it! It's a heartwarming and compelling tale, and I can't wait for the next one. It's everything you could want in a novel - absorbing and hard to put down - leaving you hoping the author will hurry up with the sequel. There's a lot of imagination at work here in creating another world, but that doesn't get in the way of getting to know the principal characters and coming to care about them, knowing and hoping that they will get to their rendezvous in good shape. The plot moves right along with plenty of adventure and some erotic happenings that make the characters vibrant and sexy. And how many books have a mammoth with a heart of gold?
-- Hugh Russell
HI Bruce, I bought your book (kindle edition). I am really loving it. I am an avid book reader and so much gay erotica is horrible. Yours is a first class read and highly erotic. I was reading it on the plane and had to keep my legs crossed. :) Congratulations and well done.
-- Peter Wearing
Moontusk Book Two: Orchid of Awakening…
(Click image below)

The Moontusk Chronicles Book Two: Orchid of Awakening. Dare and Hosis travel with the mysterious woman, Lady Dee, who brought them together and she sponsors their travels. The three companions sail from the mainland to Dreamwake Island in the South Seas. There they learn that an army of women has overthrown the empire, and the lady leaves them. Dare is determined to seek the fabled Dream Orchid, though Hosis fears he will die if he discovers the fabled flower.
Moontusk Book Three: The Return of Othis…
(Click image below)

The Moontusk Chronicles Book Three: The Return of Othis. The young lovers Dare and Hosis have deepened their relationship on Dreamwake Island. However, Dare feels compelled to return to the mainland to discover what is really happening in the homeland he deserted. Along the way they are captured by slavers and separated. Meanwhile, an army of men marches down from the north to challenge the new matriarchal regime. Can the return of the god Othis end the impending conflict?
Moontusk Book Four: Ivory and Gold…
(Click image below)

The Moontusk Chronicles Book Four: Ivory and Gold. As this fourth novel of the series unfolds, either the world is ending--or it's about to change beyond recognition. The young lovers Dare and Hosis, separated by events beyond their control, each believes the other has died. While the White Mammoth Army commanded by Lord Jersis, the father of Hosis, decimates the female defenders of Kemnu, in the capital city Dare learns of the darkest secret from his past. A nefarious plot hatched in the Far East threatens to destroy the High Queen's sanity, and to further erode the matriarchal regime. Meanwhile, from Lake Bandor a desperate attempt to end the conflict is literally launched upon the wings of giant vultures…
The MOONTUSK Chronicles consist of:
Book One: Rendezvous in a Ruined City
Book Two: Orchid of Awakening
Book Three: The Return of Othis
Book Four: Ivory and Gold
Book Five: The White Mammoth
An overview of the world in which these stories take place and some major characters:
(For sharper Black & White maps click HERE.)

Rendezvous in a Ruined City takes you into a world where the Moon has rings and woolly mammoths survive in the mountains of the far north. A young man name Dare flees from his home and position on a journey of self-discovery. Inadvertently his absence causes a major shift of power all through the empire . . .

Ulan: the City of Othis, capital of Kemnu
At the heart of the patriarchal Kemnoan Empire, the ancient City of Othis rises beside the mighty Nasapan River. Ulan is famed for the towering obelisks of its 64 temples dedicated to its patron god. Here in the Great Palace, Prince Dare begins his epic journey of adventure, self-discovery, and his quest for Vattsa, which means "Tusk of the Moon," and indicates a state of enlightenment or non-resistance.

Darrow Bardoon Miznevet III
Prince Dare is the heir to an empire that dominates provincial kingdoms where the Great Mother Goddess is still revered. He is intelligent, sensitive, unhappy, and quite desperate to escape his gilded cage. Tragedy seems to be stalking him at every step, so impulsively he flees from all he has ever known with only his faithful chameleon cat Maumet for company. Though he tells himself that he seeks enlightenment, it is really the kind of love he secretly longs for that he really wants most of all.

Lady Dee and Hosis Bar Sun
Lady Dee is a beautiful and brilliant woman of mystery that Dare eventually meets on his journey. Though she shows him great kindness and understanding, she conceals a secret agenda darker than he can possibly imagine. Hosis cannot live up to the memory of his beloved brother who has recently died. When his stern and abusive father metes out an unjust punishment upon him, Hosis steals away from his home in Far Loon on the back of a mammoth cow and becomes yet another runaway . . .

This illustration depicts the actual fateful rendezvous of Book One's title.